Once again, Team Tyler thanks you for your continued prayers, devotion, love, care and generosity. If you are reading this blog, prayed for Tyler, sent a card, brought a meal or donated anything over the last year, we're grateful for you. There are no words that can properly express the amount of gratitude we have for all of you!
Wednesday's fundraiser was no exception. The turnout was, once again, overwhelming. I know I will leave names off, so this is by no means a complete list, but I would at least like to acknowledge many of you who devoted your time, energy and money to Tyler and Michelle.
ALL of the food was donated, which included pasta, sauce, salad, bread, meatballs, sausage, beverages and lots of desserts. Those were made by the kind people that are in connection with this family and companies and restaurants like National Coney Island, Andary's, Aldi's, Caramango, Tyson and Stan Ye.
There were lots of people that spent many hours helping to cook, set up, sell tickets, donate baskets, keep the food coming, etc. But, a special thanks to Tyler's Papa Bill and Grandma Didi, to my mom and dad (Cindy and Don), the staff at National Coney (Austin, Sandy, Kyle, Tiffany, Brook, and probably a couple more I'm leaving out) and to our close friends and family...Patty, Cheri, Tammy, Cindy Baca, Dayna, Josh, David and Mary, Aunt Juanita, Uncle Al, Dee Marie, John Tobin, Chrissy, Athena, Dawn, Ellen, Shorty, Cheryl and Terry (and again some I probably forgot to name).
In the pictures below, you'll also see everyone running around in their Team Tyler gear (donated by Jimmy Nelson) and sporting prayer bracelets for Tyler (donated by Michelle's close friend Kelly's mom).
I'm sure I left someone off the lists above, so again, I'm sorry if I did. We still appreciate you, I just don't have the best memory and didn't write names down.
Thank you again to all of those who attended and donated. We are so very grateful for each and every one of you.
Tyler took a break from treatments over the last couple of weeks because he had made it his goal to enjoy his 19th birthday (to the best of his ability) and to make it to the fundraiser. This strong guy accomplished both of those goals in the same week. We were more than thrilled to see him and Michelle at the fundraiser.
I do want to make one more very special HUGE thank you to a really brave young man, BJ. This is Tyler's best friend and probably the main reason that Tyler made it to the fundraiser. He really wanted to see his friend. Tyler came and stayed for over 2 hours. BJ came and sat by Tyler's side almost the entire time. I couldn't pass by the table without being overwhelmed with emotion. Sometimes, all it takes is a good friend to sit by your side, on your best of days and your worst. Thank you, BJ, for the friendship you have shown Tyler for most of his life, especially this last year. Everyone deserves a good friend like you!
BJ and Tyler |
Below are some more pictures from a most successful night. Thank you again.
Team Tyler
Papa Bill and Aunt Tammy |
Tyler and his dad, Tim |
Some of the youngest members of Team Tyler |
Uncle Rob and Lydia |
Our other little Team Tyler guys |
Tyler, Michelle, Aunt Patty, Aunt Tammy and Aunt Cheri |
Chrissy and Tam |
Baca selling the 50/50 |
Michelle's sisters |
Me, Blake, Ty and Shellz - looking at the wrong camera :) |
Alenna - made 18 duct tape purses which earned $73.10 in donations for Ty |
Uncle Don (Master Chef and Social Director) |
Dayna manning the bar (and donating all her tips to Ty)