Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!

Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!
Ready for Battle!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rough Morning

Tyler's having a rough morning. Now his white blood count is too high (20,000 range), he's running a high fever (103.5) and his heart rate is high (150 range). Tyler is sleeping well, though, so that is good.

You know, all we have are these numbers that the doctors are constantly updating us on. We aren't sure what they always mean, but just trying to cling to any positive news we hear each day. The doctors warned us that the numbers would fluctuate a great deal as he battles through this. They told us not to get hung up on asking what this or that means, or looking at the bags hanging around him and asking what this or that is doing, or looking at the machines and asking how it's helping...but it's so hard not to!!

I continue to ask you for your prayers for Tyler. We are waiting on the Lord and crying out to Him every day. For me it occupies almost every thought I have throughout the day. I heard this song this morning and just loved how it took the words right out of my head.God, we need you! Take a few minutes to listen and pray to the One true God on behalf of Tyler today.


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