Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!

Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!
Ready for Battle!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tyler's Story

As most of you probably found through Facebook, another blogger, Roni, picked up Tyler's story and has written a couple of really nice posts about Tyler. We're blessed that she has chosen to get involved in Tyler's story and has never even met us. She is dedicating the month of April to Flat Tyler as her Light project. If you're logging in from a computer (and not your phone), you'll see a link to her blog on the right. Here is her latest post, a Letter to Michelle.

We're also seeing a huge response from the flat Tyler. I know a lot of you have been following his story and it's a fun way to get involved. I've seen a few of the pictures, so I thought I would include them here...and my kids are having a blast with it too, so I'll include theirs here.

On a road trip for Spring Break - overnight stay in Nashville

Go Wings!

Rooting on his Spartans in Indy last night

A morning ride with his Aunt Patty
Getting buried on the beach in Florida

Playing in the neighborhood with his cousin Alenna
Dying Easter Eggs with Alenna and Blake
Sneaking some popcorn and M&Ms

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A message from Michelle

Since this journey started, I can't recall a time when Michelle has specifically asked me to post to the blog. Last night, she asked that I write a few things. First, thank you for all of the support she is receiving - the meals, the visits, the cards, the thoughts and prayers have not gone unnoticed!

She and Tim wanted to say a thank you to Kira and Nicole for coming up with the flat Tyler idea. We're getting a huge response on that and anything that can bring a smile to Tyler and Michelle right now is more than welcomed.

She also asked me to put a thank you to myself for the "awesome blog". I feel silly writing that, but she asked, so I will graciously put it on here and tell her "you're welcome". If I can speak for myself for a moment, I must admit when they asked me to start this thing back in September, I was completely naive to what it would take. I thought I would just be posting some medical updates for the family and friends, and come February, Tyler would be healthy again and life would go on just the same. I obviously took for granted how sick Tyler was and I didn't know I would find this to be such a challenge to share someone's story with my words. I often pray for a long time before posting because I want everything I do to glorify God. He has given me a spiritual gift of mercy (to be able to empathize with others with compassion, words and actions). I often call it a severe mercy because it hurts so bad at times, but I pray this blog glorifies Him and blesses Michelle and Tyler in their suffering. It certainly has taken the supernatural gifting of the Holy Spirit to find words to put on here for you all!

Finally, Michelle asked that I put a message out there for our readers that may have some connection to a surgeon or doctor or hospital. She is still desperately seeking someone else to look at Tyler's case and consider further treatment. If you know of someone, please email me at jetfields@yahoo.com and we can get them all of Tyler's medical records and whatever else they need to look at the case.

Thank you again and God bless!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Keeping Tyler's Spirits Up

Tyler has had so much love and support from this community of readers and we're so grateful to you all. Recently, one middle school boy asked if he could honor Tyler by shaving his head for him through St. Baldrick's. Due to timing, we weren't able to make the connection happen before the event, but Tyler is now registered as an honoree here: http://www.stbaldricks.org/kids/mypage/5192.

So, if you want to participate in one of their events, and want to choose Tyler as your person to honor, just let me know (email jetfields@yahoo.com) and we can add him to your event easily now.

Also, Tyler was able to have his dog, buggy, come up for her first visit this week. She was really nervous and it seemed she could sense that Tyler was very sick, which made Tyler a little sad. I think with a few more visits, though, they'll both settle in and get cozy with each other again.

Finally, Tyler's aunt Nicole has a new idea to brighten his spirits. She created a flat Tyler that we can all participate in.

Here are the directions: click on the picture below and it should open in a new window. Then print it and cut out the "flat Tyler". Dress him up by adding things like shoes, hats, shirts, pants, swimming trunks, etc. Be creative!

Then, go on an adventure and take a picture of yourself with flat Tyler. Send your picture and story to nkurkierewicz@aol.com by April 30th, and include where you took him and what you were doing. She'll compile all of them and send them to Tyler. Include a note or word of encouragement for him on there when you email it and she'll be sure to pass that along too.

Most importantly....have fun with it! Let's see if we can keep Tyler smiling!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Waiting for another miracle

Sorry for the lack of updates. It's hard to update when we're just waiting. Waiting for a miracle. Waiting for another 2nd opinion to come through. Just waiting.

These words below may sound familiar because I'm going to use the same post I put on here back on Oct 7th. Tyler had just come out of surgery and we were told that he was septic and it would be a miracle if he pulled out of it. A miracle! That's what we got!! Tyler pulled out of that dire situation he was in and we praise God for it.

Now we get to enjoy Tyler, even though he's in the hospital. I watched some NCAA basketball with him yesterday. We chatted about the tournament and the teams. He joked with my kids that they couldn't eat any of his cupcakes that were sitting there looking all delicious. When I told him his toenails were getting long and I wanted to cut them, he said, "don't worry about it...why kick when you can scratch?". His little sarcastic sense of humor shining through. He yelled at his mom about something and she told him she could still ground him. He replied, "what? to this bed?" Then she threatened to turn the tv off and he just rolled his eyes. His papa came in and tried to force him to eat, which just annoys Tyler to no end and so the typical bantering back and forth, between them, followed. These things aren't significant, but they are moments that we wouldn't have had with him if we hadn't received that miracle in October. Praise Jesus!

So, now I continue to struggle between keeping it positive and giving you the facts. As many of you know, UofM has told us that they "cannot cure his cancer". They keep telling us this. They keep trying to make that news sink in. But you know, it takes the heart a lot longer to get something that your head already knows. So, we wait. We wait for another hospital to look at his case. We wait on God for an answer and we plead with Him to give us another miracle for Tyler.

I don't want to put this miracle request lightly. I know people throw that around all the time. I'm not talking about some "god" or some harmony with the universe or some good karma kind of "god". I'm talking about the kind of miracle that can come from the one true God. The one that created us and knew us from the time we were in our mother's womb. The one who sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. The one that we can have eternal life through if we confess our sins and believe in Him. You broke God's law, you sinned, but Jesus paid the fine for us. And He was broken and killed for us and the miracle is that He was RAISED FROM THE DEAD by the power of the Holy Spirit! That's the power I'm trusting and asking you to trust in right now.

So please, if you are a believer in the one true God, by the grace of Jesus Christ, enter into His throne room and pray for mercy and grace and healing and peace over Tyler Joseph right now. We love this boy and we are believing in the power of Jesus that will bring glory to His name through this, whatever His answer for Tyler might be.

Happy Easter week, everyone! Join me this week in celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ while we lift Tyler up in prayer!! Thank you!