Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!

Tyler - 17 year old fighting cancer!
Ready for Battle!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A message from Michelle

Since this journey started, I can't recall a time when Michelle has specifically asked me to post to the blog. Last night, she asked that I write a few things. First, thank you for all of the support she is receiving - the meals, the visits, the cards, the thoughts and prayers have not gone unnoticed!

She and Tim wanted to say a thank you to Kira and Nicole for coming up with the flat Tyler idea. We're getting a huge response on that and anything that can bring a smile to Tyler and Michelle right now is more than welcomed.

She also asked me to put a thank you to myself for the "awesome blog". I feel silly writing that, but she asked, so I will graciously put it on here and tell her "you're welcome". If I can speak for myself for a moment, I must admit when they asked me to start this thing back in September, I was completely naive to what it would take. I thought I would just be posting some medical updates for the family and friends, and come February, Tyler would be healthy again and life would go on just the same. I obviously took for granted how sick Tyler was and I didn't know I would find this to be such a challenge to share someone's story with my words. I often pray for a long time before posting because I want everything I do to glorify God. He has given me a spiritual gift of mercy (to be able to empathize with others with compassion, words and actions). I often call it a severe mercy because it hurts so bad at times, but I pray this blog glorifies Him and blesses Michelle and Tyler in their suffering. It certainly has taken the supernatural gifting of the Holy Spirit to find words to put on here for you all!

Finally, Michelle asked that I put a message out there for our readers that may have some connection to a surgeon or doctor or hospital. She is still desperately seeking someone else to look at Tyler's case and consider further treatment. If you know of someone, please email me at jetfields@yahoo.com and we can get them all of Tyler's medical records and whatever else they need to look at the case.

Thank you again and God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. My family has been good friends with you family for many years, Mrs. Cindy was my Dare to Care teacher when I was younger and Ashley became my best friend two years ago. We've been praying for Tyler since day one and have been been constantly checking this blog. I can't imagine what your going through but I know you have a lot of support!!! Tyler is an inspiration to many people his will to keep moving forward, his love for his mom and the faith of God that gets you through the day. Though I don't know him I know he is a remarkable child of God. My thoughts and prays are with you and the family. I believe with all my heart that God has a plan. May God Bless you all tonight. Courtney
